Thursday, June 7, 2012

Goals at 30...

I had a list of things I wanted to achieve in my 20's, most of which I never achieved, but I achieved so much more. I guess the things I thought I wanted in my 20's weren't necessarily right for me then. So as I start to think about what I want to achieve in my 30's the list starts off with those that never happened in my 20's.

1. Buy a house (or an apartment or anything with 4 walls that I can call my own)

2. Get married (I don't want a big white wedding but it would be nice to get married)

3. Have children (yes I love my freedom and my independence but I would love nothing more than to have children one day)

4. Learn more (I don't think I want to go back and do any formal study, however I would just like to take more of an interest in world events and current affairs, whilst I am a nerdy accountant, my general knowledge is appalling)

5. Stop worrying about the future and just enjoy the present (a few years ago I found the perfect quote for me "you can't change your past but you can ruin the present by worrying about the future" I really need to pay more attention to that quote)

6. Run a marathon (so technically I have ran a marathon at the end of the ironman, but I'd love to be able to do a marathon on its own and run the whole distance)

7. Travel somewhere new each year (doesn't need to be overseas, can be in Australia as long as I've never travelled there before)

8. Find a new hobby (one that doesn't consume 40% of my income and involve a million hours of training each week!)

So my to do list isn't a list of 10, but there are no rules anywhere that said it needs to be. Let's see in 10 years time just how many of these I have managed to achieve!

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