Wednesday, July 6, 2016

1 step forward and 2 steps back!

After a recent relaxing holiday in Fiji, I returned home feeling invigorated with a new lease on life. I threw myself back into exercise, maintained a positive attitude at work and stopped worrying about things outside of my control. 4 weeks later and I feel like I've completely gone back to pre holiday mode! I've managed to get the mum flu, it's kind of like the normal flu but nobody cares and there's no time to rest from it when constantly chasing an energetic toddler. Being sick has meant no exercise and craving winter comfort food! Whilst my positive attitude towards work has remained, juggling work and motherhood is one constant obstacle course. Monday I found out that Mia's childcare will be closing at the end of the year so I'm now on a mission to find a new one. Yesterday in the middle of my work day I was called to collect her from childcare as she was suspected to have hand, foot and mouth disease (turns out she doesn't). So instead of a productive afternoon in the office I attempted to work at home with a toddler hanging off me as I typed up emails and whilst on the phone to a work colleague I had to run after her around the house to stop her drawing on the furniture with crayons! The holiday now feels like a distant memory, though another one is now only 2 months away. I may have retired from triathlon but this new form of racing is far more exhausting and there is no finisher medal and towel and the end of the 12 hour event! Just a messy house, mounting piles of laundry, a work to do list that is ever expanding, and a beautiful sleeping toddler!