Thursday, January 19, 2012

Dork Sarah strikes again!

So just in case my elaborate detailed personal expenditure file in excel that reconciles to my bank accounts was not quite dorky enough I have now embarked on a new excel project.
Over the last few weeks I have been reading a lot of books on nutrition and how it relates to endurance athletes in order to maximise performance and get to an optimum race weight. Last year for Busso I trained the house down but I probably wasn't the greatest at getting my nutrition right, I pretty much lived by the philosphy that because I was training so much I could get away with eating pretty much whatever I wanted, and whilst I did eat heatlthy most of the time I wasn't necessarily eating the right foods and at the right time.
So whilst I am still easing myself back into training I have decided that now is the time to focus on my diet and look at what I am eating, working out how many grams of fat, carbs and protein I should be consuming each day and what my calorie intake should be. I have decided to take this to the next level by creating an excel workbook that lists all of my favourite foods and recipes, the nutirional breakdown of each food and then will use this to build a weekly meal plan that tracks against my exercise plan and ensures the correct calories are consumed. The file will then also build me a shopping list based on my chosen meal plan for the week.
Yes super dorky I know, in fact I think that I have taken dorkiness to a whole new level as not only am I actually undertaking this project but I am actually excited by it which my work colleagues find slightly disturbing especially when I mentioned I may go into the office on the weekend to work on it. Since ironman I have been a little lost, this is my new focus, my new challenge, and not to mention a great distraction from boys.
Am starting to think that maybe I am in the wrong career, perhaps should have become a nutritionist instead of an accountant!

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