Sunday, January 18, 2015

Guest Blogger - Blog by Baby!

Mia asked if it would be okay for her to be my guest blogger for the day, seeing as she asked so politely of course I had to say yes!

A day in the life of a 5 month old baby - by me (baby Mia)

Every day starts in exactly the same way, I wake up in this thing my mum calls a cot, I liken it to a prison as it has high bars ensuring that I cannot escape (well not for now anyway, just wait). I look around my room and stare at the camera attached to my cot, yes I know that big brother (aka mum) is watching me as I sleep. But I have them fooled, if I roll all the way down to the end of the cot and lie sideways then the camera can't see me and I have them fooled! Dad panicked a little the first time I did this!
Mum comes in at 6.15am on the dot (you could set your watch by her) and I give her a cute smile, after all she is my food source and I'm pretty hungry so I don't want to upset her just yet. She unzips me from my straight jacket and I'm free, finally can get my feet into my mouth again, these things are so tasty. Mum picks me up and gives me big cuddles and starts babbling on about something, I start sucking on her neck hoping she'll get the picture that I'm starving, stop messing around and feed me already. Mum takes me to the couch and assumes the feeding position, I make some grunting noises to express my impatience and finally the boob is out and I have milk. I'm pretty hungry so for the next 15mins or so I guzzle down my brekky whilst trying to put my hand in mums mouth.
After brekky mum always talks baby talk to me, I don't know why she feels the need to speak like this to me, I am smarter than the average baby, I do understand adult talk. She asks me to give her a kiss so I plant a big sloppy one on her cheek, she loves it when I do this, it puts a huge smile on her face. Then we're off back to my bedroom for a nappy change, it's about time, I've been in this wet thing all night. I like to make the nappy change process as difficult as possible, I bend my legs when she wants them straight and then straighten them when she wants them bent and of course I have to try to eat both of my feet at the same time.
Jobs are now done which means playtime for Mia! Yay, time to terrorise the toys on my playmat. I roll around attacking my toys whilst mum is talking to me from the kitchen as she makes her brekky. She turns her back on my for one minute so I decide to play a new game called 'Hide & Seek' I roll under the couch and decide that whilst I'm under here I'll spew up half of my milk and then roll around in it. Mum comes back over and finds me playing in my spew, I can tell she's not happy with me as she cleans both me and the floor, but she keeps smiling at me anyway.
We're on the move back to my bedroom and mum changes me into a nice fluffy clean jumpsuit, I wait until she's finished doing up all the little buttons and then I spew up some more brekky. This time she just gets a cloth and wipes it off though, what a shame, I was hoping for 3 ruined outfits before 7am. She says something about today being a long day which confuses me as I'm pretty sure all days are the same length. I wait until she turns her back and then I grab her phone and shoot off a text message to Pa Mick, he loves it when I send him texts and he things I'm pretty clever that I know how to use a phone (ok secret is out Pa, I don't really send them silly! Mum sends them pretending to be me). 
Mum gets a book out and starts reading to me, uh oh, I know what this means, it must be soon be time to be back in the straight jacket and into the cot, maybe if I'm really attentive and be really good whilst mum reads to me then she'll let me stay up. No such luck, the book is finished and it's back to bed for me, I behave and go to bed smiling at mummy, I used to protest a little but I soon learnt that even if I protest she still makes me go to sleep so I may as well just go to sleep quietly, after all the quicker I go to sleep the quicker I can get back up and terrorise my toys again.
To be continued after my nap...

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