Saturday, October 3, 2015

No baby = booze, no biking and no baking!

The plans were to have an extremely productive long weekend, those plans went out the window after one too many (or perhaps 5 too many) wines on Friday!
It's not often I get the chance to go out drinking these days and that's probably a good thing as I really don't handle alcohol very well. So with Melbourne turning on a cracker of a day on Friday and the added bonus of a new public holiday I took the opportunity to catch up with some friends for a couple of wines in the sun on Friday arvo. The intention was to have a couple of drinks, drive home, prepare gourmet food for Grand Final BBQ and be in bed nice and early so that I could go cycling in the morning. Well good intentions were out the window after my 3rd glass of wine, next thing I knew it was 10.30 and I was extremely drunk and in a taxi on my way home feeling rather sorry for myself. Luckily there was one lonely lemonade icy pole in the freezer waiting for me on my arrival home. Mental note to self 'always have lemonade icy poles on hand' actually scrap that, just don't drink alcohol!!
Needless to say there was no gourmet baking happening and when I awoke at 5.30am Sat and could barely walk there wasn't going to be any cycling either.
So instead of turning up to the bbq with a kale, buckwheat and spicy pepita salad and a sugar free, gluten free, dairy free snickers cake I turned up with chips, dip and cheese (thanks Woolworths!)
The bbq was great, the baby had fun, if fun is to be measured on a scale of how much food you can eat and how dirty you can get then I'd say she had a 10/10 day! And with baby in tow and still nursing a hangover I steered clear of any booze and had a wonderful afternoon with friends (thanks Tom and Chloe for hosting).

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