Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Online Shopping

I've always enjoyed a bit of online shopping, I've been known to find many a bargain on eBay, do all of my Christmas shopping online in search of the perfect gifts and purchase many cute handmade items from Etsy. 
This year though more than ever I am embracing the world of online shopping. As a time poor working mum the last thing I want to be doing is spend my weekends shopping with a baby in tow, so I often find myself shopping online once the bubba is in bed!! Sometimes in search of a bargain, other times just for the pure convenience. Tonight for instance, running low on summer clothes to send Mia to childcare in I decided to jump on the Target website and bag a few bargains, orders of over $75 are delivered free so not only do I save myself a trip to the shops but it gets delivered to my door for free, and $75 at target can go a long way for a baby (2 dresses, 2 shorts, 4 t-shirts and a play suit). If only I could spend $75 on myself and get that many new clothes!!
Bonds is another wonderful website for kids shopping, again with free shipping, and bonds permanently has sales on so you never pay full price for anything.
eBay is often my go to place when searching for clothes for myself, I often buy secondhand clothes that people like me have bought, worn once and then realised will never wear again.  As long as you shop brands that you know your size then you can do pretty well out of it.  Another trick for eBay shopping is to set up your bids using bidscheduler which enables you to set you maximum limit and places a bid just seconds before the auction ends.  I have won many an item using this site!! It can also be a great place to sell some of those unwanted clothes in the wardrobe, brand names in good condition can often get quite good prices.
I also love internet shopping for when you are trying to search for that perfect gift for someone, Etsy and handmade.com.au are great sites for picking up unique gifts.
Probably my favourite part of online shopping though is having packages delivered, with very little snail mail these days and mostly only bills it's like getting presents in the post, even if you did pay for them yourself!! There is something just a tiny bit exciting about receiving and opening packages, or perhaps that's just a sign of how boring my life truly has become!

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