Thursday, October 22, 2015


I've always been known as someone that likes to take on the world. I often over commit and I thrive off being busy.  But I have finally reached a point where even I realise my limits and know that it's time to ask for help.  I've taught myself that it's okay to get help and that you don't need to be superwoman all of the time (just when it counts!)  Now that I have taken on the daunting task of returning to full time work, I need more help than ever!! Last week I took on the task of hiring a cleaner, she came highly recommended to me by a fellow mum, but as I have extremely high standards I was a little nervous about whether she would live up to my expectations.  I need not have worried, when I returned home from work on Tuesday to a house that was sparkling from top to bottom I realised I had just hired an angel!! She must have moved every piece of furniture in the house as she seemed to have uncovered a million odd dusty socks, toys and other bits and pieces that had obviously been hiding under furniture that I clearly don't clean under! Considering I think that I am fairly thorough she certainly put my cleaning to shame, she even went so far as to pull apart and clean the coffee machine!!
With a cleaner hired, it was time to start a much tougher task of finding a nanny to care for Mia a few hours a week so that I could work from home one day per week.  Having had success in hiring a nanny previously I wasn't anticipating too many problems. I am now 3 interviews down and with no success, yes I may be fussy, but when it comes to finding someone to care for my precious baby girl I feel that I have every right to be as fussy as I want.  The first nanny seemed lovely enough but was clearly a smoker, and whilst I know that one should not discriminate, I don't want Mia to be in the care of someone who smokes.  The second nanny seemed a little odd on the phone, however as I could tell she was driving at the time I thought perhaps she was just a little distracted so gave her the benefit of the doubt.  She showed no interest whatsoever in interacting with Mia, in fact she seemed to be generally disinterested in life full stop, definitely not the kind of person I want my daughter spending time with. Nanny number 3 was nice, though seemed slightly too young and immature. With another 3 interviews lined up for next week I am hoping that one of them will be a winner.  Currently I'm putting my money on the 70 year old that lives around the corner. In speaking to her on the phone she certainly doesn't sound like a 70 year old!! She has an iPhone and sends text messages using the word 'ditto'. She also mentioned that she regularly frequents coffee shops near my home and would love to take Mia for babycino's, I'm sure if Mia was conducting the interviews then she would win hands down!!

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