Thursday, July 17, 2014

How to piss off a pregnant woman...

So at 37 weeks pregnant and feeling very much over the whole thing it is fair to say that I have become rather irritable and it doesn't take much to set me off.  However there are a few things that are really starting to piss me off, like when people say:
1. 'When are you due?' And then when I tell them they look at my huge belly and say 'oh wow you look ready to pop'
2. 'Has the baby dropped down yet' - no the baby hasn't dropped, she is pretty bloody comfy in there and making no sign of a quick exit
3. 'The doctors won't let you go overdue given how big the baby is and how little you are' - news flash, the doctors don't care how big the baby is unless they deem there to be a risk to either my health or the baby's health (on that note, must start researching how to elevate my blood pressure before doctors appointments!! - I can handle another 3 weeks of pregnancy but the thought of another 5 would be pure torture)
4. 'The baby will definitely come early' - given that my family has a long history of overdue babies and that first babies are more than likely to be overdue I am certainly not holding my breath for an early arrival, so neither should you.
5. 'Pregnancy is such a beautiful thing, I loved being pregnant' - if you haven't been pregnant in the last 25 years then you probably can't remember your pregnancy, and even if you did think pregnancy was a glorious time in your life, I don't, I am hating almost every minute of it.  I am just looking forward to the best present ever at the end of it.

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