Friday, February 21, 2014

Pregnancy Insomnia

For the last few weeks I have been suffering from insomnia which is extremely annoying given that being pregnant is leaving me feeling absolutely exhausted so I need my beauty sleep more than ever!  So today when I was lying awake at 4am tossing and turning I decided rather than staying in bed getting angry about not being able to sleep I would just get up and be productive then when I crash and burn later I can go for an afternoon nap. This the insomnia today has actually proved rather productive! Managed a solid session at the gym, a load of laundry, taken bags of clothes and books to the op shop, reconciled my finances (yup I'm still a geek!) and half tidied the house all before 8.30am!! Next up to paint the newly renovated wardrobe before I fall in a heap!

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