Friday, January 22, 2016

A letter to all women...

Pour yourself a glass of wine and raise a toast to yourself, for you are truly amazing. As women we seem to have so much pressure on us, yet 99% of this pressure comes from ourselves. We cause ourselves so much stress and angst yet we continue to do it to ourselves. We need to stop! We don't need to be perfect, we shouldn't have to be!
To all the mums out there, don't worry if your house is untidy and your kids covered in dirt. This just means your children are having fun, houses and kids aren't meant to be too clean. Remember it's all just immunity building!
Don't feel guilty for leaving your children in care whilst you go off to work. You are teaching them equality, it's okay for both mums and dads to work outside of the home. If you are a stay at home mum don't feel guilty when people ask you what you do for work. Don't say you don't work, you do! You have an extremely important job, household manager, the most over worked and underpaid job that exists! If a job ad existed for it no one in their right mind would apply!
To the single ladies, enjoy being single, live and love life, be free and independent. Don't stress about finding mr right (he probably doesn't exist anyway). One day when your loving life he'll come along and sweep you off your feet when you least expect it.
To the dinks, if by choice then don't feel guilty for not having children, they are not for everyone and you shouldn't feel pressured by family and society to have them. Enjoy all the things that couples with children never have time to do!
To the dinks that are desperately praying for that bundle of joy, enjoy your full nights sleep and your peaceful romantic dinners. You'll get that baby one day, even if it's not the smooth journey you hoped for. When the day does arrive you'll appreciate it even more.
To the mums with loving husbands, it's okay to hate them sometimes. After all they can be huge pains in the bums. As long as you love them more than hate them then it's ok!! 
To the single mums, hats off to you, it's not an easy job but remember you don't have that grown up hairy child to care for as well!
So whatever your situation, relax, take some of that pressure of yourself. Ignore that growing pile of laundry in the corner, it will still be there tomorrow, let the kids run around naked in the backyard (at least then they're not contributing to the pile of laundry), let that husband of yours cook his own dinner, go out dancing with the girls and forget about mr right.
Love yourself, you are truly an amazing woman who does an amazing job every day of the week no matter what that job may be. Make sure you not only love yourself but all of the other women in your lives, remind them each and every day of just how amazing they are!
So cheers, I raise my glass of wine (so much for detox) to you!

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