Friday, July 20, 2012

Putting the Shellac manicure to the test!!

So yesterday I had the luxury of having a me day!! I took a day of annual leave and spent it getting pampered and having a nice long lunch with a good friend! My pampering included getting a shellac manicure which I've never had before, but I'm told the nail polish lasts 2 weeks. Usually I don't even make it 2 hours without getting a chip.
This morning whilst out cycling with the lovely Sez and Lou, Sez managed to get a flat tyre. After asking for assistance in a nearby bike store (only to be rudely told that they wouldn't help her because she was wearing Asos clothing - really?) I came to the rescue with a spare tube and the offer to change the tyre. So I put the shellac to the test, surely changing a tyre would result in some chipping. But no! Actually managed to change the tyre (success number one) without chipping my new nails (success number 2).
So a number of lessons were learnt today!
1. Don't ask a guy for help (unless really hot!) just change the tyre yourself to avoid getting attitude and to prove that women aren't useless.
2. Shellac nail polish really doesn't chip! Not even when changing a bike tyre!
3. You can still be sporty but be feminine and get manicures!
4. Sez this one's for you!! Never leave home without a spare tube!!!

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