Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Baking more than just the bun in my oven!

I had a sudden urge to do some baking tonight, has been a very long time since I baked some tasty treats and decided that bub and I needed some home baked healthy goodness for morning snacks. So as I sit here writing this I have a batch of raspberry and bran muffins cooking nicely in the oven (whilst bub is cooking nicely in my oven!)
Whilst whipping up the muffins, Luke pipes up from the couch 'I can't wait for you to go on maternity leave, I'm going to come home to amazing dinners every night.' He's dreaming!! Most women I know with new borns are lucky enough to manage to have a shower long enough to wash their hair, yet he thinks he's coming home to a gourmet meal each night. I think he believes that babies just miraculously sleep all day and that I'll have plenty of time to cook gourmet meals, clean the house and do mountains of laundry. Anyone with a new born that might want to share with him what the day in the life of a new mum looks like? If I do manage to get some time to myself it will be spent whipping my body back into shape not whipping up gourmet dinners!

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